Client Safety

Client Safety and Wellbeing

The Learning for Life Autism Centre is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all clients. Our Client Policies page hosts policies in place to support this commitment and all L4Life staff are also bound by the NDIS Code of Conduct and the Victorian Disability Safeguards Code of Conduct.

Appropriate risk management and client safety is a priority across all L4Life programs, with practices and procedures in place to balance the needs and preferences of the Client with potential risks. In addition, we have in place a high quality recruitment process, with all staff subject to worker screening and background checks. Staff are also supported with best practice training and supervision.

L4Life has robust hazard and incident reporting and management framework. In the event of a hazard being identified, an incident occurring or first aid being required during service provision for a client (no matter how minor), L4Life staff are required to promptly report this to either their supervising Clinical Consultant or our Practice Manager. Where the matter is not significant or it has been resolved, having a record of the hazard or incident will provide us with data to assess incident frequency and/or trends. Where further action is required or the incident is more serious, reports are escalated to L4Life Management.

In the unlikely event that, during service provision:

  • an incident occurs that involves a client suffering a serious injury (or is considered a “near miss”) → L4Life Management is a required to make a report to the NDIS Commission and would also conduct an internal review into the incident;
  • an incident arises in connection with a staff member breaching the Victorian Disability Safeguards Code of Conduct or NDIS Code of Conduct → L4Life Management is a required to make a report to the Victorian Disability Worker Commission and NDIS Quality Safeguards Commission. L4Life Management would also conduct an internal review into the staff member’s conduct;
  • an incident relates to a matter of child safety → L4Life Management is required to make a report to the Victorian Police, the Commission for Children and Young People and the NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission and would also conduct an internal review.
  • Where a L4Life staff member suspects a client has suffered, or is at risk of suffering, harm or neglect, they are required to report this to their supervising Clinical Consultant. Where the suspicion amounts to a reasonable belief, L4Life Management is required to report this to the Victorian Police or Department of Human Services/Child Protection.

In all cases, confidentiality will be maintained other than to the extent disclosure is required by law or as necessary to conduct internal assessment or investigation.

While L4Life has protocols in place to respond to and manage risks, hazards and incidents relating to clients, and to respond to and manage any complaints made by clients, clients can also contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (Ph: 1800 035 544) or the National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline (Ph:1800 880 052) with any concerns.

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Learning for Life is a Not For Profit supporting autistic and other neurodivergent children to develop skills that promote independence and choice. If you'd like to learn more about our services and programmes or support us through donation get in touch with us below.